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  •  » Paris quest~ kitchen counter sticking to doll

#1 13-11-2015 04:22:31

From: Forever youngville
Registered: 2010
Posts: 562

Paris quest~ kitchen counter sticking to doll

There seems to be a bug with the large kitchen piece that has the stove.  This piece stick to the doll if your doll is too close when you set it up.
Any one else having this problem?

#2 13-11-2015 08:29:38

From: The Inka Empire
Registered: 2009
Posts: 1364

Re: Paris quest~ kitchen counter sticking to doll

Yes, happens to me as well, although I've been wondering if that's supposed to be that way. On the other hand the skin model from the last step does NOT stick to the doll.
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