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#1 24-11-2015 14:40:10

From: Some Pokeball
Registered: 2010
Posts: 15659

Bugs lately

There are more bugs that I noticed lately and kind of annoy me

There are some items that are not being shown in the fashion/loft show. I came across some of them but only now does the thing really bother me.
For example this lake (swimmingpool tab)

Also this item is absolutely bugged, it rotates weirdly and flips weirdly (accessories tab)

And also there's a bug with the shooting and western rooms in the cinema tab. Not the rooms themselves but the display, when you click over the western room the shooting one is lighting up and the other way around instead of lighting up the normal way.

Edit :
Here's another item that doesn't show up in the show :

Last edited by rukia131 (25-11-2015 20:22:09)


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