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I completed the hunt, but didn't receive the dress with all the other items.
I was just about to make this very topic myself. I as well just completed the hunt and recieved everything but the lovely dress.
bloodyemos wrote:
I was just about to make this very topic myself. I as well just completed the hunt and recieved everything but the lovely dress.
jenzg11 wrote:
I completed the hunt, but didn't receive the dress with all the other items.
Me three!!
Thank you for reporting this, I see that the French are having the same problem so lets hope it gets fixed.
And also just to let everyone know that the items are not sticking to your doll either.
I have reported this to the GM.
Same here, i completed the hunt but didn't receive the dress.
I'll just add myself in here as well, no dress.
Same. I did it on my doll Anna-Capulet. Its perfect for her and I was so excited. Imagine my disappointment when I went to "My Things" and found no dress. :/
Hope this gets fixed soon!
Same here on this doll & KaylaDX
Okay here is the fix to this issue.
When you sign in for Sunday you will receive the dress.
But the items still don't stick except for the wig and halo.
I went through 15 symbols and got the dress, alone.
selinea wrote:
I went through 15 symbols and got the dress, alone.
You get the dress for just logging in on Sunday now. For the rest, you must collect the symbols.
All items stick now.
Last edited by aluralegend (14-02-2016 04:48:23)
I'm still missing the dress on some of my accounts.
Yep no dress,
Last edited by teom (15-02-2016 22:22:42)
:aomd_nrv: I finished the hunt too with all my dolls and none of them received the dress. what happened?
I signed in on Sunday and still didnt get it. I don't see it among my things:nrv:
Tomagirl14, Do you live in France? If not its possible that may have not received the dress because of different time zones?
Tomagirl14, Did you check your MY THINGS several pages before the hunt was done? My dress came early because of the glitch, before the other items were done. So in my MY THINGS it does not appear together (next to each other) so I thought the same thing. I hope you find it!
I still haven't gotten the dress
Please submit a ticket.
I still haven't gotten the dress
my alts that did the hunt don't have the dress.
was i supposed to paranoidly check for it several days in a row after the hunt?