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I was looking through the new OhMyBoutique items, and I was attempting to "try out" some of the furniture items but I ran into a bit of a problem. I was trying to sample these pieces, but it's pretty much impossible to try it out, since the way you try things out in the furniture section, whatever you mouse over pops up with its information. I cannot get the Try It Out button to stay put for the lighted background:
Try scooting over so that your doll is on the blue curtain and then try. It works when I do it like that.
Thanks, Fairykisses, that helps a lot!
Yes doing that but also use the zoom in button to get closer - I was so frustrated until I figured that out. There was one item I clicked zoom twice to get right on top of.
Ahaaaaa, thank-you for that tip, Avivah! So smart.