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My partner and I have bought a new house! It's so charming and it's brandnew, so all the walls are still white and look like blank canvas that just waits for us to paint on them! I'm already thinking about how we will decorate everything!
For this theme, represent an interior scene of a living room like those in furniture brochures!
Join the theme "Advertising living room" by registering your loft until Monday, March 7th at 10 am, so take your time to prepare your creation!
To register for this loft show you will need to meet the following requirements:
• Store Requirements:
- At least 2 elements from OMD Basics
• Room requirements:
- The decoration needs to be perfect and all tidy
- At least 1 armchair
- At least 1 coffee table
- At least 1 lamp
- At least 1 wall decoration*
* Precision: A wall decoration is only on the wall and does not touch the floor. However, this does not include windows and wall faces.
• Prohibited:
- outside scenes
- fantasy
- characters (animals/humans)
- framing the scene
- gifts to give your friends and those of the Gazette
- ready made lofts*
* WARNING: will be considered "ready-made" the models dressed and non-customized lofts. You must customize your 50% minimum Quest models and do not use "object set" everything to your loft.
Does the story at the top mean the walls should be white-like a blank canvas? It would certainly not distract from the highlighted furniture. That's how I took it, but I wonder...... I bet there's a wild (but tidy) and wide variety, and very anxious to see everyone's ideas! :gai:
april wrote:
Does the story at the top mean the walls should be white-like a blank canvas? It would certainly not distract from the highlighted furniture. That's how I took it, but I wonder...... I bet there's a wild (but tidy) and wide variety, and very anxious to see everyone's ideas! :gai:
No, you are able to choose whatever color walls you want just as long as it is not listed in the "Prohibited" section.
I've only seen 2 different rooms so far - the very first one I saw has a number of gifts-from-your-friends in it, so I skipped it, voted for a different nice one, and then the gift-decorated room came right back....
snortmort wrote:
I've only seen 2 different rooms so far - the very first one I saw has a number of gifts-from-your-friends in it, so I skipped it, voted for a different nice one, and then the gift-decorated room came right back....
Well, I counted 13 different rooms. But they do "spawn" kinda randomly and once I got the same room one after another.
I counted 15 different rooms, haven't seen that many in a Loft show in a long time! There are some with no lamps (or lights-but did not count Xmas tree lights as they are not lamps), at least one couch-like seating but no "arms" (it did say specifically "arm chair") a couple that had pets (a no-no, but stuff animal is okay I think), some with no wall items, but everyone but one seemed to have a coffee table. (and Snortmort caught the gifts from friends). All in all really really good. I wish all my rooms could be as tidy!
The winners can be found here-->