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When you click on the 'send gift' link, you get a message of 'This is not a gift'. Doesn't seem to deduct certificates, thank goodness. All of the St Patrick's gifts work fine. It's just the new three. I use google Chrome.
Same happens to me. Hope it gets fixed soon.
This has been reported, thanks!
As of March 18th at 2:15 EST, it's still not working :(
I have sent the GM another reminder of this bug. Thanks!
2:04 pm EST still has these three new gifts not working. I'm REALLY hoping this is fixed soon, since I know they tend to yank these after only a week or so.
darkelfqueen wrote:
Sent another reminder to the GM. Thanks, Faechild!
This issue has been fixed. I was able to send one of the gifts today.
Please try it and see if you can, too.
It does, indeed work. Thanks very much to our wonderful mods for looking into this for us :)