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So, I haven't done one of these for awhile due to lack of time, but I have some non-jam-packed days coming up. So from now until life knocks me down again (in which case this will be updated), I'll give up to 2 gifts per account to anyone who asks here on the board. So if you have 4 accounts, you can have 2 gifts sent to each account. Please be descriptive/specific with the gifts, I don't want to get it wrong!
Also, since this isn't being bombarded with requests, we'll go with two gifts to any account per month.
Reminder: please don't double post! Use one account to request for any of your other accounts! Board rules, and keeps it less cluttered and easier to read/keep up with!
Last edited by faechild86 (04-05-2016 20:52:11)
May I have a tiny cactus? The single one in the slightly gold pots.
Sent to ya, Malu!
Thank you!
I love the tiny cactus' too !!! Thank you (=^.^=):aomd_bravo: :aomd_bravo:
Sent from Faechild21, Euphraxia!
Could you send me a wig please? It's blonde with purple in the ends. I think it's new :) My main account is Bianca96. Thank you! :)
Last edited by brenda724 (17-03-2016 21:22:21)
can i have the box of cacti? ty :fete:
Yours is sent, torifan562! Waiting for the glitch that prevents the sending of the new ones to be fixed, iklovech and and Brenda 724. Sent you PMs about it.
ty so much!:mdr:
:aomd_blase: !
New gifts are now active, and have been sent to you, Brenda724 and Torifan562!
Can I get the new short blonde wig with the flower crown? Sorry I can't post an image :(
I would love to have the earrings.
Thank you
I would like to get the short wig. Thank you
Sent from my account Faechild21, Avior, Baylor-Jenz, and Rukia131!
If you are still doing this, could I get the Long hair with purple ends, please?
Thanks a lot ^^
Sorry for the late reply, but was sent out to you yesterday, Angelfire!
nehama12, one was sent! Also, PLEASE use this post for gift requests, not PMs. I check here every day, my pm's only once a week or so.
May i have the big leafy plant in the 4th row? (It's the one right in front of the first potted flower in the fourth row) and the pink and green balloon bunch? Thanks :bisous:
Sent from my Alysun1986 account, selinea!
Hi. I would like in the 6th row the 2nd & 3rd item (red haired & black haired dolls). Thank you. : )