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no questions, no answers
Since it's the same quest, the antlers and ears for the Deer Spirit do not stick to your doll. That was my favorite step!
And the Asgard ending wings, collar, head thing.... do not stick either
Also, how on earth are we supposed to wear this piece?
In the picture on the quest page it looks like you wear it as a cape, but if I do that, there's no cut-out piece for my dollz' body so you can see the top of the cape over her shoulders, though shouldn't it fall behind her body?
snortmort wrote:
Also, how on earth are we supposed to wear this piece?
In the picture on the quest page it looks like you wear it as a cape, but if I do that, there's no cut-out piece for my dollz' body so you can see the top of the cape over her shoulders, though shouldn't it fall behind her body?
Thats upsetting. So they put it as a cape in the picture right? But there's no cutout. Actually, they didnt use the doll. They used the model. If you put the cape where you want, then the model in top, there's no need for a cut out.
Its what I do with flowy skirts. I out it on my doll and then a model top. Boom! Instant cape
I think the cape is made for Dollz Back Models. You know the ones facing the other way