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fairykisses wrote:
I have asked the GM to speak on this issues so that way you all can ask questions for yourself or at lease get the answers you are looking for.
Still waiting... and as faechild86 pointed out above:
I would like to point out that as of today, the Champion talent is still available in our dropdown menu for talents to choose from, making this a still-active bug. Because the way I see it, if we can still choose it, we should be able to still use it, even though the time is expired.
Variable voucher issue aside, I was one of the players who also missed out on many days of "bonus $1" due to this talent being the "active" choice... I do have the Diva talent available, but I was unaware that the Champion talent was not "paying".
Guys, it's been over an year. The bug is still here. For some reason it bothers me because I see it daily and it remind me how annoying the whole situation was.
Last edited by rukia131 (31-03-2016 11:02:29)