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Better Life - SIKK
Don't Graduate Senpai - Satellite Young
We Are The People - Empire Of The Sun
the show "Outnumbered"
Mt. Washington - Local Natives
Girl Crush by Little Big Town
Let Love Bleed Red by Sleeping With Sirens
Calm birds because their all time favorite show is on: GHOST ADVENTURES
Yuukei Yesterday - Shizen no Teki-p
I question how, but I'm listening to Drip Drop - Taemin, and Baepsae - BTS at the same time. These are things I have learned to do.
Last edited by spiderwick9 (22-03-2016 02:24:43)
Lipstick Covered Magnet - The Front Bottoms
My Youth by Troye Sivan
vegita sayan song
;_; im in love
In A World of My Own/Very Good Advice (From Alice in Wonderland) - Tanner Patrick :norm:
Pentatonix's cover of No by Meghan Trainor
(I don't usually listen to covers but I really like theirs ^^)
Human Leather Shoes for Crocodile Dandies by Caravan Palace. What an interesting title for a song.
The show, "Most Haunted " and silent happy birds (for the most part)
Helena - My Chemical Romance
the river - good charlotte
omg i hate so much that song for making me like M Shadows voice....
Lone Digger by Caravan Palace. I'm going to see them live in June so I'm really excited for that.
"Young Forever" - BTS
The build up and then--Tears, so many tears, every single time ;-;