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#1 27-05-2016 19:16:50

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012
Posts: 51772

[2011] Sarah's birthday

Thank sooooo much princesstoya!

princesstoya wrote:

"I'm finally done!!! I commend others who make these guides lol. It took me a couple plus hours to bring all of this together. Copying+Pasting the image codes and making sure they were all right. With double checking over and over. Took awhile to do. I see Snortmort made one already. I worked long hours putting this together so I'm posting anyway haha. Plus this is my first ever guide I made"

NOTE: Some of the wording may be a little different from the U.S. site. I completed this on the French "OhMyDollz" site. Also, if you got a different total than what I have here. Feel free to reply with the total you got.

Step One: 7
Step Two: 14
Step Three: 5+11+6= 22
Step Four:  6+10+5+10= 31
Step Five: 13+17+5= 35
Step Six: 18+9+13= 40

Step Seven Option 1: 20+9+10+11= 50
Step Seven Option 2: 7+9+7+14+11= 48

[Nature] -- [ 20DB+9DB+10DB+11DB = 50]

Replay for 150 Feez
You just live an incredible experience! Disappointed with your choice? Relive the experience again! Be careful to fill replay the second end and new adventures worry it will cost 150 Feez

[Bliiing] -- [7+9+7+14+11= 48]

Grand Total w/Option 1 (Nature):  7+14+22+31+35+40+50= 199
Grand Total w/Option 2:  7+14+22+31+35+40+48= 197

Step 1: Happy Birthday!

Today is Sarah's birthday! I've been waiting weeks for this moment. Last year she invited us to Hawaii, it was amazing! So I've been thinking what will she do this year. And then my phone rang: "Hey! It's Sarah! This year I am organizing a big party to celebrate my birthday! And of course, you're invited! Do you think that you could help me organize it?" That's great! I am so happy! Sarah is so busy and she hardly ever calls me... I'll slip on a pair of jeans and run over to see her! Of course I tried on 5 pairs of pants to see which one fit me the best and went over to help her out...because as you already know Sarah is always so in style!

Needed: (choose one) Total: 7DB


:montr: Who is Sarah? The creator of the game Ohmydollz BONUS GIFT! (actual size)

Step 2: Tough choice...

My first job as a counselor to Sarah to help her choose her dress! She hesitates between two styles and it's true that I myself am torn! She found a great dress fashion, gold with rhinestones. The other dress is more natural, pastel and elegant. The two are so sublime, it takes two! Why miss out on his birthday? For my part, I found a little dress that suits me perfectly, I hope it will look great! I do not know yet if I will wear for the birthday party, depending on the theme we choose ... I think it's the last time I go shopping with Sarah, it's a living hell for my the bank! She has so much good advice that my arms are loaded with packages containing all my new purchases!

Needed: (choose one) Total: 14DB


:montr: Sarah loves? Shopping BONUS GIFT!

Step 3: Creative workshop

After our little session of shopping, Sarah is my intention that we would prepare the invitations for his birthday. We go to his favorite bar. It's a girly bar with jars of candy everywhere! The server was keen to offer her champagne for his birthday. The decor is superb! I also got a cut, but I have eyes for the handsome young man! It's surreal it has the beauty of a supermodel and the charisma of a singer ... It seems even he is a poet in his spare time ... Sarah reminds me quickly to the order, I will have plenty of time to seduce Alessandro tonight, but for now this is not the time! We set the guest list, and draw on each card a little personal illustration. I admire the ease at Sarah to draw. My amazement was great fun, she then learned a few tricks to draw like a pro.

Needed: (choose one) Total: 5DB

Needed: (choose one) Total: 11DB

Needed: (choose one) Total: 6DB


:montr: What is Sarah's job? Graphic Artist BONUS GIFT!

Step 4: Session well-being!

[I forgot to copy the text description] OOPS!

Needed: (choose one) Total: 6DB

Needed: (choose one) Total: 10DB

Needed: (choose one) Total: 5DB

Needed: (choose one) Total: 10DB


:montr: Where was the sauna? Scandinavian countries

Step 5: In the kitchen!

Our wellness session gave me a very foolish! Now it is time to move into the heart of the action: the kitchen! We'll have to feed the tummies of all invited dollz! We are preparing a beautiful birthday cake, like in the movies. Fortunately, Sarah is there to guide me because in my haste I almost replaced the flour with the yeast! Imagine what would a cake with 250 grams of yeast, it would certainly have exploded in lining the walls of the kitchen with chocolate! Finally the result is great! I almost want to eat it as the result is sublime!

Needed: (choose one) Total: 13DB

Needed: (choose one) Total: 17DB

Needed: (choose one) Total: 5DB


:montr: In cooking, What is the yeast? Leavening

Step 6: Final preparations!

I finished decorating the hall to enter as it should, that's all Sarah was kind enough to let me see ... It seems she wants me to surprise on the decoration of the other parts ... The festival will begin within a few hours, we are also nervous that the artist must be before going on stage. We have no time to lose, we spend a few hours in the bathroom getting ready. Sarah surprised me to invite Coralie, a professional makeup artist! This time it's on, it will feel like stars! And it's not so bad, I'm so nervous, my hands do not stop shaking. Imagine my head if I could not focus my eyes well, and my mouth ... I would have looked like a real clown! After the session hair and makeup, it attacks the outfit! What dress to choose, with what accessories and what shoes? A real puzzle! After several hours of preparation we are ready, and just ring the first guests at the door ...

Needed: (choose one) Total: 18DB

Needed: (choose one) Total: 9DB

Needed: (choose one) Total: 13DB


:montr: What is a boudoir? A piece or women to find themselves chatting.

Step 7: Choose which a step (Nature OR Bliiing)

[Nature] -- [ 20DB+9DB+10DB+11DB = 50]

What a sublime atmosphere! Sarah does not want me to help with the decor to make me the surprise of the sublime universe. She was right, in front of this idyllic setting I'm almost in tears. I quickly re-entry when I saw another talk with Alessandro Doll! I can not let him pass! I urge the conversation with the server fine, and we participate in all the festivities for Sarah. I was touched to see Sarah blow out the candles while we sang in every heart "Happy Birthday", she had tears in his eyes when we see all this for her. Everyone found our delicious cake ... I feel that no one realized that I had dropped small pieces of an eggshell! In turn, we offer our gifts to Sarah, she looks especially enchanted by the little dog a charming young man has to offer ... Now place the party!

Needed: (choose one) Total: 20DB

Needed: (choose one) Total: 9DB

Needed: (choose one) Total: 10DB

Needed: (choose one) Total: 11DB


[Bliiing] -- [7+9+7+14+11= 48]

What a sublime atmosphere! Sarah does not want me to help with the decor to make me the surprise of this magnificent universe. And what a surprise! Program, rhinestones, sequins and decorative-art! Looks like a night of stars! And who knows I may be cross! Sarah has so many friends! I was suddenly pulled from my thoughts when I see Alessandro off dancing with another doll! Neither one nor two mustard up my nose! Ok she is pretty good, but still! I turn my heels and invited him to dance! He confesses that he longed for someone to sort this situation, apparently this doll is a real ball! We are going from one surprise! What this secretive Sarah! I never imagined that it is organized it all for us! The timing of the cake comes I fear a little as the guests notice the bits of egg shells that I had inadvertently fallen! I was awfully excited to see Sarah blowing out her candles, she was on the verge of tears as we sang "Happy Birthday Sarah." In turn we offer our gifts to Sarah that looks completely enchanted! Finally the most sublime necklace is to offer a charming young man ... Now place the party! We'll dance until the end of the night! ahahaahaha Stayinnnn alive!!

Needed: (choose one) 7DB

Needed: (choose one) 9DB

Needed: (choose one) 7DB

Needed: (choose one) 14DB

Needed: (choose one) 11DB



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