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Crazy Stupid Love by Cheryl Cole
Drive - Pretty Sister
Rock bottom by Hailee Steinfield and DNCE
Forever by Mystery Skulls. I loved this guy's music but I hadn't heard all of it, so I went through the songs I haven't heard and this one is just so good.
See You Again -- Charlie Puth & Wiz Khalifa
Just Right - Got7
"Hard Carry (하드캐리)" - GOT7
it's on repeat, there's no help at this point--
Square Hammer by Ghost. Never heard of this band before but oh my god I'm loving this song.
Magic - Seohyun
Mountain at my gates - Foals
"Talk me Down" ~ Troye Sivan
it always makes me so sad but I love it anyways so :pleur:
The Jonas show theme song!
Gin Wigmore - Black Sheep
So Yesterday by Hilary Duff!