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#1 10-10-2016 19:15:35

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012
Posts: 51772

[2012] Halloween 2012 Quest

Quest Name: Halloween 2012 Quest
Store Used: Halloween Store
Two Endings? No.
Job? No.
Room? Yes - Haunted Castle
Talent? No.
Total Cost: $235

Step 1: The beginning of the nightmare
An old castle overlooks OMD City. You can only access it thanks to a little forest path full on brambles. You will not be astonished to learn that the place is full of loads of terrifying legends. In other words, it's the perfect place to get scared!
To get a few frightening sensations before Halloween, Jude, Ben Ellie and I decided to go and visit the place... I was so scared that I remember each little detail, as in a nightmare. It was cold and damp outside. And, I don't seem able to warm up this morning either.
One thing's for sure: I caught a cold. Since that night, I feel sick and I can't eat a thing.

You need:
- One of the following for $7

You win:

Total so far: $7

Bonus 1: What is a haunted castle?
Answer: A castle where supernatural things happen

You win:

Step 2: A strange illness...
Halloween is in a few days and I don't feel much better... I do take the medicine the doctor gave me yet I feel worst and worst. I've lost wait, I have nightmares. Bad dreams invade my nights: full of bats, spiders, ghosts.... I can't leave my bed, and spend the whole day in my bedroom. I hope I will be able to get up to spend the most frightening nights of all with my friends...I suppose I might since when night comes, I feel better. So much better that I manage to crawl to the window to catch a bit of fresh air.<

You need:
- One of the following for $13

You win:

Total so far: $20

Bonus 2: Bats:
Answer: ... are rodents

You win:

Step 3: Halloween Night
It's Halloween tonight! Jude was so tired of seeing me only through my webcame that he comes with Ellie and Ben to pull me out of bed. When I see their faces, I understand that I look dreadful. Jude wants me to take it easy:  "Well it's the perfect night to look awful!"
One thing's for sure: he doesn't look awful. A strange desire to snuggle up to him invades me. I'm so surprised, I have to screw up my eyes to come back to reality.
Could I possibly have feelings for Jude. It must be the fever.

You need:
- One of the following for $5

- One of the following for $8

- One of the following for $7

You win:

Total so far: $40

Bonus 3: When is Halloween celebrated?
Answer: On the eve of all Saints Day

You win:

Step 4: Back to the Haunted Castle
"Why not go back to the castle?" Ben says enthusiastically once we have been around the whole block. True that compared to the other night, the streets of OMD City aren't really scary. Ellie goes on "Yeah, specially that YOUR DOLL'S NAME feels much better now!".
I can't refuse, so here we go!
The sweet gathering was quite good and the others stuff themselves with sweets while we walk over the brambles on the little path that leads to the castle. I can't eat a single sweet, a horrible smell makes me feel somewhat sick even though I'm really hungry.
Nice as he is, Ben gives me a sweet wrapped in brilliant paper. Hadn't I been ill, I would have grabbed it, for sure. But I grab Ben's hand instead!

You need:
- One of the following for $6

- One of the following for $7

- One of the following for $6

- One of the following for $7

- One of the following for $5

You win:

Total so far: $71

Bonus 4: Which is Halloween's phrase?
Answer: "Trick or Treat"

You win:

Step 5: Bite
As my teeth are stuck in Ben's hand, neither I nor him dare to move. His eyes from my face to his hand. I feel stupid but I don't know what to do... Specially that this hand tastes like a succulent remedy!
Fortunately, a horrible cry saves me from this embarrassing situation. We are all so scared that we run to the castle. They seem to have forgotten the incident. Saved!
We go through a cemetery. Brambles scratch our legs, and that makes Ellie even more scared. Jude is sure he has seen a gravestone move.
While my friends run to the heavy entrance door, I decide to slow down and go through a hidden entrance. They wanted to come her to be frightened, they are sure gonna be!!

You need:
- One of the following for $6

- One of the following for $6

- One of the following for $7

- One of the following for $7

- One of the following for $5

You win:

Total so far: $102

Bonus 5: According to the legend, what are will-o'-the-wisp?
Answer: Spritis

You win:

Step 6: Missed Surprise Attack
Shadow among shadows, I sneak in the castle... I've taken my shoes off to be more discrete and the stoned ground is all cold under my feet. I walk across the dark living room very slowly, without making the slightest noise, the ceiling light is covered with spider webs.
I find the perfect place for my "surprise": an alcove in the tiny dark corridor. I sneak in there and wait for my prey.
I can hear it coming close. Jude walks carefully with his torchlight. Instinctively, I bare my teeth and crack. When I am ready to jump on him, something holds me back. A superhuman force spins me against the wall, I cannot move nor shout.Jude moves along without seeing nor hearing a slightest thing.
Once he has disappeared, I try to see what made me miss my attack.

You need:
- One of the following for $13

- One of the following for $14

- One of the following for $6

- One of the following for $8

You win:

Total so far: $143

Bonus 6: Who inspired the Dracula?
Answer: Vlad III The impaler

You win:

Step 7: I am a ... vampire
He is tall and thin with an emaciated face and two eyes that glow like ruby. "Hi, YOUR DOLL'S NAME". How does that chap know my name? "Don't you remember? I created you!"He's gone crazy! Is Dark Vador gonna appear out of nowhere to tell me: "I am your father."
"Follow me". His voice is commanding. I follow him without discussing to a bedroom richly decorated but somewhat old. The four-posted bed is covered with dust. The strange guys offers me a glass full of some dark liquid. It smells horrible. I swallow it noisily with delight. I don't know why I feel so good, here with him. I've found my place in this world, at last.
The windows are open and the moonlight enters the room, its reflection on my hosts teeth, echoes mine." Welcome to the world of vampires!"

You need:
- One of the following for $10

- One of the following for $10

- One of the following for $10

- One of the following for $12

You win:

Total so far: $185

Bonus 7: Who wrote the famous "The Vampire Chronicles"?
Answer: Anne Rice

You win:

Step 8:

You need:
- One of the following for $5

- One of the following for $12

- One of the following for $7

- One of the following for $11

- One of the following for $15

You win:

Total of the Quest: $235


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