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I was collecting candy and was at about 300 I believe(didn't pay a lot of attention, but the 200 chest was definitely available to me), then when I clicked for the next scare, the count reset to 0 candies. I did not accidentally click on the chest, did not receive any items, and logging in and out did not solve the problem.
Oh no that sucks! Reporting it!!
May I ask which chest you were going after? Just in case GM asks.
It's still the weekend so not sure if we're going to hear back in time, but I know for sure that every one was awarded 400 extra candies over the weekend to make up for the lost candies of some players.
So I would assume this was fixed for you, too?
I don't think everyone received the 400 candy bonus... only one of my US dolls and one of my foreigns got it, my sister's dolls did not, and I know almost all of my mom's accounts did not get it as well. :/
mimi078 wrote:
I don't think everyone received the 400 candy bonus... only one of my US dolls and one of my foreigns got it, my sister's dolls did not, and I know almost all of my mom's accounts did not get it as well. :/
Maybe they only awarded to the people that lost the candies. Did you guys lose candy too?
:hypn: Nope, no rhyme or reason that I can see!
Only one of my accounts who did the hunt got the bonus...
Two of my accounts who did do it got no candies...
Two of my accounts who didn't do the hunt received 400 pieces...
And the rest did nothing/got nothing.
So a grand total of three of my dollz got the bonus... but with completely different circumstances!
Nevertheless, I was very grateful to have the extension... it is easily the most time-consuming event on OMD. It would be really nice to see them offer candy for purchase with in-game money (instead of Fee'z) like they have been doing with some of the recent OhMyPacks ^.^