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#1 06-11-2016 20:02:22

From: My Happy Place
Registered: 2010
Posts: 121

[Reported] My Things Bug

So, I accidentally saved my attic in a state of disarray a couple weeks ago, and have been painstakingly trying to reorganize it.

I have a little bit of OCD about the way my attic is arranged (clothing type by color), so I started with sending everything to another room, with the plan of using the My Things filters to send things individually and arrange things in my attic from there.

"Great idea!  Keeps the corner under control, makes sorting relatively simple..."

Until I get into my things, select "Tops--Shirts/Tunics--Black", scroll down to the bottom of the page, click "Select All"... and nada.

Nothing selected.

"Huh that's weird."
*flips desk and throws angry hissy fit*

"Select All" is working sporadically if I just want to select a whole page, no filters (ie default "Everything"), on a fresh page load, but as soon as I start filtering My Things it starts acting wonky.

Figured maybe it was just a cookies thing, a browser thing, *something* on my end... but nope.  I clear my cookies & cache religiously, tried different browsers, tried it on different computers, different accounts... and still errors.

I've tested on Firefox and Edge...
  - first page load - default, can sometimes "select all" (Everything)
  - filter first categories, can sometimes "select all" (Tops, Bottoms, etc...)
  - sub-filtering categories, cannot "select all" (Tops--Shirts/Tunics)
  - sub-filtering categories by color, cannot "select all" (Tops--Shirts/Tunics--Black)
  - first page load - default, can "select all" (Everything)
  - filter first categories, can "select all" (Tops, Bottoms, etc...)
  - sub-filtering categories, cannot "select all" (Tops--Shirts/Tunics)
     > first item (upper-left corner) is selected?
  - sub-filtering categories by color, cannot "select all" (Tops--Shirts/Tunics--Black)
     > first item (upper-left corner) is selected?

Anyone else having this problem?

Note:  I realize that there is an ongoing bug about moving items between rooms -- I have read those posts extensively and I am pretty sure that this is a separate issue.  I have no trouble moving things to other rooms, by clicking each item individually and then clicking "Move to: [ROOM]" (time-consuming and annoying, but what can I do in the mean-time?).

TL;DR "Select All" option in My Things is buggy when filtered.

"I don't know what your generation's fascination is with
documenting your every thought... but I can assure you,
             they're not all diamonds." - Easy A

#2 07-11-2016 04:09:35

Queen of the Supernatural
From: Crystal Realm
Registered: 2010
Posts: 742

Re: [Reported] My Things Bug

I just noticed this bug on my Italian doll and thought about reporting it, but then it seemed to work on my US doll. But I guess as you said, the 'select all' option is working sporadically.

It has gotten cold, brr~ Happy Holidays to you and yours!

#3 07-11-2016 05:01:22

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012
Posts: 51772

Re: [Reported] My Things Bug

Yeah I think it's not related to the other issue. Not sure though.

Will report this first thing in the morning so it does not get lost in the weekend chaos.


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