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So I was on my French doll (Starspell) and thought I might change the background skin in her Chalet room so it's wintery instead of summery. But then I noticed I'd have to take out one of her windows and replace it with another so it matches the winter look; I didn't want to do that because I really like that window. Plus, it doesn't snow where I live - we have green Christmases, so I wanted to change it back - only to see that the skin isn't there anymore!!!
:pleur: :pleur: :pleur:
I remember a while ago there was some issues with the Chalet's 'new' skins and that one didn't show up, I felt lucky that I didn't have the problem - but now...? Yeah, I'm very sad. Is this a known bug, or will clearing caches and stuff fix it?
I'm trying to double check with my chalet doll. Only thing is I can't remember which one had it, lol.
In general, clearing your cache could help eliminate that it was something only on your client side so it would help a lot as we report it. Could you try that please?
I did clear everything and the fourth skin of the summery-green background didn't pop up.
Aye aye, Captain Lady0filia! We'll report or at least find out if it's a known issue. :)
I wanted to give a heads-up that the background skin came back to me, it must have gotten lost among all the early Christmas shoppers. It's probably short like me and got it's little toes stepped on because no one could see it. Poor little summer-green skin, I'll take good care of you. (No, I'm not spouting nonsense. Okay, maybe I am. It still might be nice to know if it is a known bug and might happen again.)