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Pages: 1
All of the Big Board contests end on Decemeber 31, 2016
Favorite Christmas Song
As December arrives, we all start to sing different Christmas songs. This December we ask you to capture your favorite Christmas song in a scene :)
- This is similar to the OMD Loft Contest
- One Entry per participant
- You may use an alt but you have to post the screenshot here using your main account.
- Please post your screenshot here once done and let us know where to find it in your accounts/rooms. If you can't, let us know and we'll help you with that :)
- Please make sure to follow the rules when it comes to themes and ideas displayed.
Winner -- 1 item from Winter Store $15 or less.
2nd place -- 1 item from Winter Store $10 or less.
3rd place -- 1 item from Winter Store $5 or less.
My favorite Christmas song is O Holy Night, as well as Amy Grant's Night Before Christmas. Both songs convey a quiet, peaceful, magical night:
Found: In my German WitchMisty doll's Space room
Last edited by lady0filia (31-12-2016 00:27:27)
By the way do you guys know if we can participate in Sarah's event?
Pages: 1