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Has anyone watched that on Netflix?
spoilers below
Will Alex die? Will anyone be charged with murder? What will happen next.
I feel that there WILL be a second season. There's just too many loose end in the last episode.
I have 2 more episodes to go but I've read the episode summaries and reviews and everything so I know how it ends already. I'd watch a second season just because I really liked Justin and Hannah's mother, to me they seem like the best written characters. They just... seem real and convey a lot of emotion.
Rant ahead and possible spoilers, just my basic hater opinion:
I didn't really like Hannah, I couldn't have taken another season of tapes. All though episodes 1->10 I feel like she's just a whiny teenager, special snowflake to me. She acts like she's been betrayed by her friends and always tried so hard but let's be honest... she always wanted to be understood but never tried to understand anyone else. She just assumed and never talked to them about it. From Hannah's description of people and from how they behave, react and feel in the show I just get the feeling that she never knew any of them at all. On the Zach episode I actually wanted to slap her...
Rant ends here
Basically even though I didn't like Hannah at all the show was still pretty entertaining.
I just now finished watching it.. Certain scenes were too hard for me to watch.
It does look like they are making a season 2. They definitely left it open for another season..