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I am happy to get back home after a stressful day at work. My cats rub against my legs as soon as I open the front door. I strock them on the neck and a sweet melody of purrs rises to my ears. I feel so comfortable at home surrounded by ihese small balls of hair!
I wonder if they miss me when I go to work, but especially what they are doing while I’m away.
For this theme, be original by creating an inside scenery with cats.
Join this theme by registering your Dollz starting Tuesday 11th April at 10 am (CET).
Entries will close Monday 1st May at 10 am (CET).
So, take your time to prepare your creation.
Make sure that your loft is coherent and respects the theme before entering.
To register for this loft show you will need to meet the following requirements:
Store Requirements:
– Use at least 2 element from the Basic Shop
Room requirements:
-At least 3 cats
-Inside Scenery
– The fantastic
– Human characters
- Outside Scenery
– Decors around the Loft that are outside the scene
– Gifts between friends, Playtem gifts and those from the Gazette (see tags in Inventory)
– Ready-made Lofts and models *
* WARNING: will be considered as “ready-made” dressed models and non-customized lofts You must customize your Quest models to at least 50% and not use ready-made items sets for your loft.
Troubles to understand this theme or fashion show?
You can find help (and many tips) on the forum in order to follow the rules.
To access them just go on the fashion show page and click on the link ?Details of the show?
– It is best to wait the next theme if you cannot meet the requirment for this one or you will risk fall into the draft pick, or even worse bannished for not respecting the theme.
The ?Rules? of the OhMyLoftcontest are available on the competition page by clicking on ?rules? in the upper right corner.
– In case of multi-account only 3 enties will be tolerated, any other abuse will be sanctioned by a ban.
Which loft will be the most liked on OhMyDollz?
As a cat person with minimal decorating talent, I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with!
I have got a message from Sarah that says:
"You have been disqualified from the Fashion Show for the following reason:
- There are perspective problems in your loft".
Can anyone tell me which are this perspective problems in my loft?
Last edited by yoana (28-04-2017 20:18:42)
The kitty slippers are "Gifts between friends"
Thanks! :bisous:
The winners can be found here-->