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★★ How to play OhMyJackpot? ★★
For 3 “tokens”, you can press the button and the machine starts spinning. Depending on the combination of random symbols you get, you will win a small, medium, big or huuuuuuge prize!
★ 3 jewels = JACKPOT! You earn the “Casino” room!
★ 3 dresses in a row = You win a complete outfit!
★ 3 shoes in a row = You win accessories!
★ 3 tickets 10 000 aligned = you earn 10 000 points!
★ 3 tickets OMD in your combination = you earn 5000 points!
★ 2 tickets OMD in your combination = you earn 1000 points!
★ 1 ticket OMD in your combination = you earn 500 points !
Your total points are displayed in the top left of your screen.
Thanks to these points you can buy outfits and furniture in the “OhMyBoutique” that is in the bottom left of the “OhMyGames” map.
★★ Directory ★★
Work In Progress, if you have any items not on the list, please let us know!!
★ 2011: Outfits & Accessories
★ 2012: Outfits & Accessories
★ 2013: Outfits & Accessories
★ 2014: Outfits & Accessories
★ 2015: Outfits & Accessories
★ 2016: Outfits - Accessories
★ 2017: Outfits - Accessories
★ 2018: Outfits - Accessories
★ Special Thanks to: n0regrets & mimi078 for help with this guide!!
Last edited by cocobelle (17-06-2017 23:09:03)
★★ 2011 Outfits & Accessories ★★
Ends: 43056
★ Collection 2: ★
Ends: 46844
★★ 2012 Outfits & Accessories ★★
Ends: 50045
Ends: 52169
Ends: 54395
★★ 2013 Outfits & Accessories ★★
★★ 2015 Outfits & Accessories ★★
Ends: 90017
★ Retro Couture Outfit:
★ Rockabilly Accessories:
★ Haute Couture Accessories:
Ends: 95852
★★ 2016 Accessories ★★
Accessories 1:
Accessories 2:
Accessories 3:
Accessories 4:
Accessories 5: