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What is the Fashion Show?
The Fashion Show is THE official show set up to elect Miss OhMyDollz, every week!
The winner wins 60$$$ and the "Miss" crown. The second miss wins 30$$ and the third wins 15$$$. The winner will also get to be famous since her avatar is displayed for a whole week!
How can I participate?
To access the show, click on the button at the top of the page.
To register, you need:
- a valid email
- to possess at least 30 items in your loft,
- to wear at least 8 items.
Registration starts on Tuesday after 10:00 and lasts until Sunday at midnight (French time).
There is a different and compulsory theme every week, you will be asked to wear outfits or accessories that come from such and such store. You must play the game and respect the theme!
Caution, only the outfit your doll wears in her loft in taken into account for the show. Therefore, when you register check that the outfit you want is the one in your loft. The team can disqualify a doll anytime if:
- the prerequisite items are intentionally hidden
- the prerequisite items are hidden under tons of clothes
- the prerequisite items are on the side or under other items
- the doll doesn't respect the theme
- the player offers gifts or other rewards to players in exchange for votes
- the player uses any means to put pressure on other players to get votes. You can ask other players to vote for your doll as long as you do it in a reasonable and respectful way.
What about the theme?
The theme is announced every Monday on the Feerik blog and on the game board. It is also displayed at the top of the show page.
To make sure the players don't always use the same items, some items are forbidden. This list of items is set up by the team and can be modified weekly.
You can check the list on the board, for that go to the "Fashion Show Forbidden Items - Current" topic.
What about the votes?
You can take part in the show and vote. You just need to be connected and to click on your favorite doll.
If none of the three dollz on the podium suits you, you can use the button and three new dollz will appear. You must wait two minutes before you can use this option again.
What about the winner?
The winner is the doll that collected the highest number of votes.
On Tuesday at 10:00 (French time): Announcement of the election results, Miss Ohmydollz is crowned!
Can I win more than once?
Yes, but you will have to wait 6 months before you are able to win again.
Can I vote for my other dolls if I see them?
Last edited by cocobelle (03-06-2017 19:08:24)
What is the OhMyLoft contest?
The OhMyLoft contest is THE official decoration and design contest set up to elect the best OhMyDollz lofts! The top winner earns 150$$$, the trophy and the certificate of best loft designer. The second one wins 100$$$ and the third 50$$$. The winner will also get to be famous since her avatar is displayed for two weeks!
How to take part in the OhMyLoft contest?
To access the OhMyLoft contest, click on the button at the top of the page.
To register, you must:
- have a valid email address (you can change your address here),
- possess at least 30 items,
- use at least 8 items to decorate your loft. The contest takes place every two weeks.
Registration opens on Saturday, at 10:00 AM (french time) and lasts until the following week, on Sunday. Every other week, there is a different and compulsory theme. You will have to decorate your loft with pieces of furniture or items from some particular shops. The theme is announced the day before the registration opens. You must play the game and respect the theme! Caution, only the decoration of your loft is taken into account, so before you validate check twice! - Once I have registered, can I change the decoration of my loft? When you register, the set up and decoration of your loft are saved, therefore, if you make changes, they won't be taken into account.
Why did I get disqualified from the OhMyLoft contest?
The team can disqualify a doll anytime if:
- the prerequisite items are intentionally visible;
- the prerequisite items are hidden under tones of clothes;
- the prerequisite items are on the side or under other items;
- the doll doesn't respect the theme;
- the player offers gifts or other rewards to players in exchange for votes;
- the player uses any means to put pressure on other players to get votes. You can ask other players to vote for your doll as long as you do it in a reasonable and respectful way.
What about the theme?
The theme of the contest is announced on the Feerik blog every Friday and on the board. It is also clearly displayed at the top of the OhMyLoft contest page.
Who chooses the theme?
The OhMyDollz team, every other week!
Can I use items or pieces of furniture won during a quest?
Yes of course, yet they are not considered as prerequisites.
How can I vote for the OhMyLoft contest?
You can both take part in the contest and vote, for that, you just need to connect to your account and give a mark that is symbolized by stars and goes from 1 to 5. Once you have chosen a mark, click to validate and the loft of another participant will appear.
The random system doesn't work, I always see the same lofts, is it normal? ?
To understand the comuter system that we call 'random' better, imagine a huge bucket filled up with thousands of balls, you pick three balls at random. Then you put them back in, and you pick three others and so and so for 10 hours. If you check the numbers on the balls each time, you will get different results, some balls will have been picked several times, and other only once or never at all. And the results will also vary from one player to another. That means that if we both do the bucket and ball test, I will not get the same results as you do.
I don't see my loft in the OhMyLoft contest, why?
That's normal, that stops players from voting for their own loft.
How is the winner of the OhMyLoft contest chosen?
The player who obtains the highest number of votes is elected miss OhMyLoft. - Saturday at 10:00 AM: Announcement of the results of the contest.