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Im old player here. Recently trying to charge Feez but "DinoMail" and "mobile payment" didnt work anymore. Also I cant see ranking tops, I didnt see anymore the dolls in tops.
I need contact feerik directly?
Thank you!
Let's try to get some info first? What browser are you using? Have you tried other browsers?
The page for the "Top Dolls" now will only show what you are seeing: a lineup of random players. The other categories such as Top Flirt will show up with the top 100. The Top Weekly has been disabled for whatever reason.
I tried both payment options from explorer, mozilla and chrome. The error I got is: Dineriomail (DineroMail by PayU) is closed since april 2017. And Cellphone payments are disabled too from Mexico. (Im at Mexico) Maybe I need open a ticket? right?
And for the second question, Thanks Sierradane !!
Last edited by arlekinlain (30-06-2017 18:39:28)
arlekinlain wrote:
I tried both payment options from explorer, mozilla and chrome. The error I got is: Dineriomail (DineroMail by PayU) is closed since april 2017. And Cellphone payments are disabled too from Mexico. (Im at Mexico) Maybe I need open a ticket? right?
And for the second question, Thanks Sierradane !!
Yes, it would be better to open a ticket since it has to do with the payment options. But do keep in mind it is the weekend, so you might not get a response right away.
Thank you! Seems Feerik pay attention, I can buy feez again :D !!!! thank you!!