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I started the Mojave Desert event, but was unable to finish. That event has now ended (as far as I know), but the Geek quiz keeps bringing up the Mojave page I ended on. It was not a Replay and I am confused. Does this mean that I am not going to be able to do the Geek quiz? Thanks in advance! :intr:
They are working to fix other issues. Will let you know when I get a response for your problem as well.
My doll Izzydane has the same issue.
I did the fdesert quest, then had to buy feez to do the second step. After not receiving them and not having them for a time, I ran out of... time... had to leave to pick my mom up. (I submitted a ticket on that) The feez were on that account when I got home. I finished the quest but it's still on the "The End" page of that quest instead of the quiz.
I dont see the 3d question, instead of him just white page ... This quiz have little time for complete and many bugs :pleur:
If anyone is still having the issue, clear your cookies and cache. It should resolve the issue of being unable to see the 3rd question (white screen)