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These are the 3 items you can get.
- It appears some people are getting duplicate items (same thing, but different color)
- I'm almost positive (need to get verified), you are supposed to get one of each item (in a random color)
- If you re-open, i'm pretty sure you are supposed to get the same item in a different color. Not a different item. (I recommend waiting using your fee'z before we can get this all figured out)
If you get duplicate items, let us know.
On my main doll, SIERRADANE, while I didn't receive a duplicate tonight... I (stupidly) spent 100 feez to get the "other two" things last night. Other than my stupid choice to spend feez last night, my main doll did not receive a duplicate for tonight.
The following of my dolls have received a duplicate gift:
Echomcdane: 2 bikes
Haiziedane: 2 sets of kids
Izzydane: 2 green houses
niabydane: 2 sets of kids
oakley-dane: 2 sets of kids
vanessadane: 2 green houses
xabrina-dane: 2 green houses
yasminedane: 2 sets of kids
aubreydane: 2 green houses
daphnemcdane: 2 sets of kids
The last day of the calendar I received a duplicate on these dolls:
sierradane: 2 green houses (first day & last day of the specials)
(at first, I thought those greenhouses were party tables)
Last edited by sierradane (31-07-2017 01:52:28)
5 of my dolls have gotten duplicate items
joeili: 2 children
bearlyme: 2 glass/greenhouses
grandmajoy: 2 glass/greenhouses
eileenjo: 2 glass/greenhouses
lishjo: 2 glass/greenhouses
I hope this will be fixed
Last edited by joyceeileen (31-07-2017 00:43:09)
(US server) Lady0filia: 2 bikes, if I can keep the blue one that would be great.
(French server) Starspell: 2 greenhouses.
(German server) Witchmisty: 2 bikes.
laurabow - 2 greenhouses
US Dolls
fairykisses- 2 green houses
fairyfall- 2 ice cream stands
fairiekizzez- 2 green houses
fairybubbles- 2 kids
fairyprincess- 2 kids
prettypixels- 2 kids
fairyblack- 2 bikes
beautifulchaos3- 2 kids
lilmariopsa- 2 kids
Other servers
fairykissez- 2 kids (Hebrew)
fairykisses- 2 kids (Turkish)
fairykisses- 2 kids (Italian)
fairykisses- 2 green houses (Chinese)
fairykisses- 2 kids (Portuguese)
fairykissez- 2 green houses (Portuguese)
rheasilvia (2 bikes)
rusalka (2 bikes)
sailorshea (2 kids)
dovahkiin (2 kids)
witchofthewilds (2 bikes)
cinnamonroll (2 bikes)
unbeatable (2 bikes)
Spanish server:
rheasilvia (2 green houses)
I got a pink bicycle yesterday & a blue one today. Sierradane I don't think it's because you reopened the box, I did the same thing yesterday as I thought the calendar would give 9 different gifts on the last 3 days (3 different each day). I didn't know it was the same 3 gifts in different colours as I didn't see the 3 pictures above in the original post. I guess we'll have to wait for the Christmas calendar as well because this looks like a new trend on the game.
Yep and I got 2 greenhouses as well.
Selinea (main)- 2 children. If you could, i would like to keep the blue one and replace the yellow with something else.
I also get two bikes as well.
Haelina - 2 bikes
Haelina02 - 2 bikes
I got three sets of kids
Last edited by starmie (31-07-2017 13:38:54)
i got 3 greenhouses
UPDATE: My Things show kids, blue bike and 2 green houses. I had paid feez to try to get the bike, so I have 4 total.
That was a quick fix, thanks
Last edited by laurelali (31-07-2017 16:08:51)
Got two sets of kids (yellow and blue) and a penny-farther. if i could replace the yellow set with a greenhouse that would be great.
I got a blue and a clear greenhouse, and a set of kids. No bike.
SO all good the white clear greenhouse turned into a peach bike in MY THINGS!!
SO check your MY THINGS for corrections and NOT the calendar-That did not change and shows the bugs.
Last edited by april613 (31-07-2017 16:27:17)
cocobelle - 2 kids, 1 bike (no greenhouse)
hocuspocus - 2 bikes, 1 kids (no greenhouse)
All except my Zarinen and BabyDollXOXO received duplicates.
Arina: 2 Greenhouses & 1 Bike(No Kids)
BiscottiDcaf: 2 Kids & 1 Bike(No Greenhouse)
Carrow: 2 Greenhouses & 1 Bike(No Kids)
Emmaline: 2 Greenhouses & 1 Bike(No Kids)
Enima: 2 Greenhouses & 1 Bike(No Kids)
Himeno: 2 Bike & 1 Greenhouse(No Kids)
Jewelette: 2 Kids & 1 Bike(No Greenhouse)
Mariketa: 2 Bike & 1 Greenhouse(No Kids)
Nocturne: 2 Kids & 1 Greenhouse(No Bike)
PannaCotta: 2 Bikes & 1 Kid(No Greenhouse)
ParfaitWafer: 3 Greenhouses(No Kids or Bike)
RainbowPanda: 2 Kids & 1 Bike(No Greenhouse)
RozetteGarden: 2 Greenhouses & 1 Kid(No Bike)
SugarSweetz: 2 Kids & 1 Bike(No Greenhouse)
Zaya24: 2 Kids & 1 Greenhouse(No Bike)
As of yesterday I had the clear window greenhouse, the yellow greenhouse and the pink bike and still shows that on the calendar.... BUT this morning in my things I guess it is fixed because I have the pink bike, kids-girl with pink dress, and the BLUE green house (color changed, but at least I have one of each).
melodie2- 2 kids
All mine were fixed, though I'm sad that my blue greenhouses were replaced with another color - at least ONE of my dolls got that particular color.
They have said it was a bug & has been fixed. :)
You should have all 3 items in your inventory now!
Hm, I am not amused to get different colours as I have first won, but worse when I count the items and then look after my Feez, I have lost 150 or 200 Feez!
But I cant do a suppport request because I dont exactly know, how things have been yesterday.
misstigerlily wrote:
Hm, I am not amused to get different colours as I have first won, but worse when I count the items and then look after my Feez, I have lost 150 or 200 Feez!
But I cant do a suppport request because I dont exactly know, how things have been yesterday.
To understand the scenario a bit more, you bought the other colors and they were taken away when you were given the new items? Is that correct?