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The fairy that angelicadane got for hunting 15 symbols:
the URL of the fairies start with this number: 138933 and the red one above is this number: 138951
The fairy event for the 17th gives a red fairy. It doesn't show up for my main doll but is showing up for some of my dolls. The last "find 15 symbols' event, I did it on my main doll but not on a lot of my other dolls.
My Fairies:
2 of this one
Likewise. My main doll had the hunt appear for a few minutes (but no stars) then vanish. Some of my other dolls are seeing the hunt icon.
I have the same problem. On my dolls that did not complete the earlier hunt, today's hunt picks up where the old hunt left off, and I can get today's fairy. On the dolls on which I completed the earlier hunt, I did not get today's hunt.
I'm having the same problem.
Tonight's fairy is another symbol hunt but it gives you a repeat of last night's red fairy; they both have the same URL number. And... this symbol hunt isn't showing up on my main doll, just like last night.
my doll Alyssadane now has 2 red fairies from a symbol hunt and they both have the same URL