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I have the room and I able to send some things there yesterday, but today it's on the room list and I have noway of sending anything else to the room.
Reporting this. Anyone else seeing this problem? I'm gonna finish the quest tomorrow so gonna know for sure.
Yes, I have the same problem as well. Both of the rooms from the new quest have just disappeard from the Inventory list. There's one blank space on my list and, judging by my little test, it's the Vampire room. But the Circus one is nowhere to be seen.
The room seems to to be showing up now, so maybe it takes a day to show up?
Yes, I have them now as well. They were on the list on the first day of the quest but their names were in French. I have the feeling they broke it a little while they were trying to put them in English instead and that was why the rooms suddenly disappeard. Now it all works fine for me.