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Were the VIP gifts delivered this Friday November 17? I did not receive any of the usual Friday gifts.
I haven't gotten my VIP gifts for November 17 either! This has never happened before...what's the problem?
I reported this early this morning but got no response. We all will have to wait until Monday.
We, or at least I, didn't receive the PM from Sarah telling us we've received our VIP things, money, tokens, etc.
I'll add in the I didn't either. I DID have this show up in my inventory for unknown reasons. It's after the owl and apple tree in terms of newness, but it's NOT the shawl with hot chocolate that is shown in the VIP area that I frankly would have preferred.
Just an update that we haven't heard back yet. Hopefully we can hear back soon.
I have the same problem with this fridays VIP gift. Didnt get it neither on US Server nor on German server.
But on French server I got it and its really nice.
-You received your weekly VIP-Gains.- 10/11/2017 10:00:56 Answer Delete Report
Thanks to your VIP-membership, you won an exclusive VIP gift, 6 tokens and 35$$$ bonus!
Tomorrow there will be a 30% discount in shops only for the VIP members! Don't miss it!
Find your bonuses every week, on your page, section 'my VIP account'.
I did not receive a vip gift here, it's mp the last time I received what I had, thanks for waiting
Adding my name to the list.
Last edited by laurabow (19-11-2017 07:14:47)
I also didn't get my VIP perks nor a message for it. I'll wait and see what happens Monday.
So on french server ppl get 17/11 friday vip gifts and on other server not ? (I'm vip on my russian server my nickname is Sparkle and no one vip members on russian dont get gifts too)
I will send another message on Monday about this issue. Pretty much every VIP member on the English server did not receive their VIP rewards. I will also let the GM know about the other servers as well.
Add my name to the list please.
Are you all missing just the gift or is it everything?
It is everything: the gift, the dollars and the tokens!!!! Thank you so much for checking on this for us!!!
Im missing everything as well. And yes thank you so much.
julieanne1976 wrote:
It is everything: the gift, the dollars and the tokens!!!! Thank you so much for checking on this for us!!!
+ from all vip ru memb
Ok, so I sent the message now we wait.
I'm also attaching to the topic since I also didnt get the VIP gifts this friday.
What I happen to notice today is a problem with new TAB promotion. I had Paris room and since the promo started today I bought it's extension. But theres a BUG! It takes feez but theres NO EXT to Paris room.
I think they made alot of bugs since last week and now they are pilling up...
fairykisses wrote:
Ok, so I sent the message now we wait.
I hope they do not need nicknames or any other information about those who didnt receive gifts, because all the VIP members didnt get gifts ?
And I hope we finally will get gifts, because we paid to receive gifts that we didnt receive :honte:
Yay, Gifts and message received !!! :fete:
Last edited by snakna (21-11-2017 20:27:45)
Snakna please do not double post use the edit button instead. Thanks!
Everyone should have gotten their VIP rewards.
Thank you so much, Fairykisses and all, for helping cure this bug!!!! xoxoxo
I got everything. Thank you Fairy for reporting it.