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is anyone else having this problem? im at *the walk* and its not letting me go to the next step, i bought all 5 of the items but its only showing that i bought 3, the shoes and the purse keep flashing when i mouse over them as well, i bought them twice but its still not letting me move on.
i still have 1 more quest to do after this one and really dont wanna lose my chance to get these last 2 room.
im seeing this in front of the shoes and bag <img src='./img/big/.png'/>
Last edited by darkgirrrl (06-12-2017 20:16:02)
I'm having the same problem with 2010 quest with shoes and a purse, it's bugged and I cannot finish the step.
Same problem occurs on German server!
Reporting this, thanks!
fairykisses wrote:
Reporting this, thanks!
It’s working now, Thank you! :aomd_bravo:
Last edited by darkgirrrl (07-12-2017 15:21:48)
This issue has been fixed.