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So I've bought some tattoo items from new items in Stylist center and I've lost almost all of my money. I had over 500 $$$ and when I bought few of those items, it got down to 35 $$$. I really want it to be fixed, because I definitely did not spend all of that amount.
dyingneko wrote:
So I've bought some tattoo items from new items in Stylist center and I've lost almost all of my money. I had over 500 $$$ and when I bought few of those items, it got down to 35 $$$. I really want it to be fixed, because I definitely did not spend all of that amount.
i hope you get your money back, i spent a lot of feez for tickets that i never received during the last Lottery.
i sent 3 tickets complaining about that when it happened and i still have not heard a peep out of them and its already a new year :/
dyingneko wrote:
So I've bought some tattoo items from new items in Stylist center and I've lost almost all of my money. I had over 500 $$$ and when I bought few of those items, it got down to 35 $$$. I really want it to be fixed, because I definitely did not spend all of that amount.
I will send a message to the GM regarding this issue.
darkgirrrl wrote:
i hope you get your money back, i spent a lot of feez for tickets that i never received during the last Lottery.
i sent 3 tickets complaining about that when it happened and i still have not heard a peep out of them and its already a new year :/
I will also ask the GM about this issuse as well.
fairykisses wrote:
darkgirrrl wrote:
i hope you get your money back, i spent a lot of feez for tickets that i never received during the last Lottery.
i sent 3 tickets complaining about that when it happened and i still have not heard a peep out of them and its already a new year :/I will also ask the GM about this issuse as well.
Thank you!
Last edited by darkgirrrl (09-02-2018 02:10:45)
Have there been any news about this problem yet?
I have sent the GM a reminder about this issue. I will let you know as soon as I hear something.
I've got my money back, FINALLY
Yay! I am glad to hear that.
Darkgirrrl I will ask the GM about your situation and see if they ever received your tickets.