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I just bought a pillow in Special Offers, Limited Offer and it didn't show me usual message that it will be send to my inventory or something. Instead it showed me this - 'Item bought TO DO'.
The item is nowhere to be seen. It's not the first time it happened to me. I think it's a bug.
Edit: Bought another item - dress. The same. :/
Last edited by viviris (25-02-2018 19:07:22)
look under MY Things and under the blue tab for "my creations". remember that is where all the sewing machine creations go. It will be there.
Mine showed up under my creations.
OK The're there. It would be helpful if the message would actually point out where to look...
viviris wrote:
OK The're there. It would be helpful if the message would actually point out where to look...
You need to go to then go to
I already found mu staff. Thank You fairykisses ^^.
In last post I meant the message that appear when I buy something in Special Offers. It just say 'Item bought TO DO' Not much informing.
viviris wrote:
I already found mu staff. Thank You fairykisses ^^.
In last post I meant the message that appear when I buy something in Special Offers. It just say 'Item bought TO DO' Not much informing.
Oh okay.