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When I choose the icon to do the replays, I get this message from the last quest
"Play again!
No this can't be... Arameo and Juliwen diserve to be happy!"
I've clean the cache and restarted my system.
I contacted the French Mods, as there were players there that has the same problem. Their accounts were "locked" too. My account is now "unlocked". Thank you,Avart.
Her reply was:
avart wrote:
@ jenzg11 : c'est bon pour toi aussi !
Je peux vous débloquer ! Peux-tu faire passer le message sur ta version ?
Les joueurs des autres versions peuvent poster ici ou sur ton topic sur l'autre forum !
@ jenzg11: it's good for you too!
I can unlock you! Can you get the message across on your version?
Players of other versions can post here or on your topic on the other forum !
Last edited by jenzg11 (07-04-2018 19:48:02)
hi, I need my bunnies unlocked, please!
(US) BabyBanni, hanibani, luvibuni, hunnibunni and funnibunni, snuggibunni, bouncibunni
(FR) hanibani
thank you! :)