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#1 26-05-2018 01:59:15

Registered: 2011
Posts: 120

Bank link to paypal seems broken today

I've tried to buy feez this evening with my paypal balance, like I always do without problems
However,tonight it just doesn't seem to want to connect properly to paypal
I click paypal and the amount, then it connects to paypal..I give my email and password as normal but then it returns to asking me for my email again..or endlessly gets stuck on the lock icon loading screen "trying to connect to paypal "
Ive cleared my cookies,tried more then one browser, changed settings, updated my browser etc..nothing seems to be working.
I have no problems uploading money to paypal and that site is not down.
Could someone please tell me what the problem might be?
thank you!

#2 27-05-2018 00:01:57

Registered: 2017
Posts: 38

Re: Bank link to paypal seems broken today

Hi lilysummers! Since yesterday we have the same problem on our german server.
And let me say I found a way to pay with paypal, look at this:

If you click on "See the other payment methods" you get 3 more little Icons.
Now you click on the left one, the mouse over shows you "Bank Card"
Dont be irritated its the correct link!
Click on the little icon and after that choose the amount you want to pay. The Paypal site we are used to will open and you can make your deal!

Nevertheless I will write a ticket tomorrow, because the payment methods are very confusing with icons that do not work, so potential paying guests will be put off and that is not good. :-(

edit: It was a little late yesterday, so I didnt take the circumstance, that the picture shows the payment methods from Austria, when I target United States, it shows this Icons:
but the principle is the same - the left icon doesnt work, the middle Icon, named "Bank Card" works for paypal payment.

Last edited by misstigerlily (27-05-2018 13:41:49)


#3 27-05-2018 15:28:11

Registered: 2011
Posts: 120

Re: Bank link to paypal seems broken today

It works!
Thank you so much for taking the time and trouble to solve this problem for me, much appreciated!


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