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Since a post was never made about the last user sewing creations for Sarah’s birthday (part 2) I guess I’ll just post about it here .
How long does it take to be credited the $$$ from the sales? I didn’t think anyone bought my pink dress but it turns out people did and I just never got any money for the sales.
Why is taking so long and why haven’t I received a message about this yet??
This was my first time having an item chosen, does anyone know when you actually get credited?
I don’t know if this is a bug but it never hurts to ask lol
When my design was chosen it took over a week to get the $$$ for it. And when I got it was not a noticeable amount.
tahlenwing wrote:
When my design was chosen it took over a week to get the $$$ for it. And when I got it was not a noticeable amount.
Oh ok well I guess that’s not too bad. Figures , I hope I can at least get a little more than what I paid to make the dress .
It was a month for me. I had forgotten all about it and though the money had been credited already. :-P
-Your participation in the Fashion Show!-
05/06/2018 14:10:01
Hello !
One of your creations was proposed during the Fashion Show on May 7th.
I'm happy to tell you that bonus $$$ have been credited on your account yesterday in the evening.
Congratulations for this amazing creation and your creativity!