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None, I got none.
I had a doll that is relatively new and she got her three tickets, but not me or some of my older dolls.
It seems that if you have ever done this in the past, it's considering (at this time til they fix it) that you have received your three gifts... "So go buy some tickets!" *winks*
Last edited by sierradane (22-08-2019 16:42:26)
Same here, I haven't got any tickets, neither on my German and French accounts ...
Just like last year... We start with 0... Why the same bugs....
Me as well
I too am having the same problem, no tickets :/
I have no tickets either -- I only joined a year ago.
None of my dollz got tickets!
no tickets on my main. didn't check my alts yet.
No tickets on either of my two characters. :pleur:
they must have fixed this bug as the tickets are now showing up
This issue should be fixed now.
Let me know if any players are still having problems with the tickets. I will keep this topic open for 24 hours before closing.
Thank you, it is working now :)