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With all that is looming ahead of us, be it completely true or not, what are some things in this game that you are thankful for.
Me, I am thankful for that one quest they came up with that gave us generic Supernatural with Sam, Dean, Bobbie and Castiel.
I'm Thankful for all the the suggestions heard and implemented, for the quests that award a free VIP week and for the free feez offers for those who can't buy or hide in tinfoil outfits.
and bambou :bambou: (and sorry for being rude at the deliveries of this mascot)
I'm thankful for some of the quests we've received over the years, especially the Versailles, Mermaid and Cosmogony quest (oh so controversial). The Final Fantasy flirt that gave us Lenne's songstress outfit and a chocobo (though I think they were removed D:) and Feerik finally listening to the entire userbase.
If this site goes out, I hope it goes out with a big bang for us all to remember.
I am thankful for the many hours I have been able to spend destressing from work dressing my dolly and decorating rooms!!! Most of all, though, I am thankful for the many friends I have met playing out here!!! You all are the best!!!