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#1 28-12-2019 01:54:31

Registered: 2016
Posts: 6

Security Issue

Since a few days my browser Chrome is showing Oh My Dollz page as not secured and that someone hacked site or application and got my password. On Opera page also is not secured. I refreshed the page and observed that sometimes the lock was on before I logged in, and changed to the unsecured inside, and sometimes it was always unsecured. I'm wondering if someone else has this issue and hoping that developers will fix it soon.

#2 28-12-2019 16:39:10

Queen of the Supernatural
From: Crystal Realm
Registered: 2010
Posts: 742

Re: Security Issue

I have never gotten a message of any hacking, but I do get the lock is there, then it's not there issue. It also changes for different servers: One day the US server is secure; the next day it says it isn't, yet the Italian server is secure.

I'm not sure if it is a bug, but I do wish the game would figure out whether it's 'safe' or 'not safe' to use.

It has gotten cold, brr~ Happy Holidays to you and yours!

#3 29-12-2019 02:49:16

Registered: 2016
Posts: 6

Re: Security Issue

Now I noticed that ''not secure'' happen only on the News page. On the others, the lock is ON. I'm also getting a message that the site is trying to load not secured? not certified? scripts. That message is on every page inside the game.


#4 29-12-2019 13:07:14

From: The Inka Empire
Registered: 2009
Posts: 1364

Re: Security Issue

I don't get any messages about hacking or loading not certified scripts, but I do have the 'not secure' lock on the main page with news.

I will report this concern :)

#5 30-04-2020 01:16:50

Registered: 2011
Posts: 1

Re: Security Issue

all my dolls pages are showing "not secure" and some dolls I visit are ok and others are "not secure"....I can't play until pages are husband says it's not safe! please fix this problem...just started this yesterday for me!


#6 30-04-2020 10:02:20

From: The Land Of The Undead
Registered: 2010
Posts: 3029

Re: Security Issue

before the site's name, does it say http or https in the full URL? (i heard this could cause problems, but i'm not sure if this is your case)

░▒▓█Anonymous Random Procrastinatos, UNITE... some day.

#7 01-05-2020 01:04:28

Registered: 2010
Posts: 121

Re: Security Issue

mine says https which is what it should say, but it still says not secure....It seems to be not secure on the News page, the Loft and Go to Work...all the other tabs seem to be secure....what is going on? please fix

Last edited by joyceeileen (01-05-2020 01:24:37)


#8 01-05-2020 17:44:46

From: The Land Of The Undead
Registered: 2010
Posts: 3029

Re: Security Issue

joyceeileen wrote:

mine says https which is what it should say, but it still says not secure....It seems to be not secure on the News page, the Loft and Go to Work...all the other tabs seem to be secure....what is going on? please fix

i see...
my browser says it blocked "non secure parts of the page" maybe this is caused by the fact that this site is still running flash content, which is deemed "not secure" by every browser regardless of how secure the site rely is?
or maybe your browser accuses any pages containing "non-secure" elements to be dangerous?
i'm using firefox here, but opera didn't consider any OMD pages to be "not safe" maybe it is because i don't have flash player on THAT browser? hard to tell...

Last edited by darkjewels (01-05-2020 17:48:12)

░▒▓█Anonymous Random Procrastinatos, UNITE... some day.

#9 08-06-2020 17:20:13

Mother, Sister, Daughter, Friend.
From: Edmonton, Canada.
Registered: 2009
Posts: 2416

Re: Security Issue

This is the information I've been given on this bug, from the French GM:

"I think the problem is with some of the images in the game.

Actually, to be secure, a game has to have everything in https.

But there is a problem: many of the images in the game are old and are not in https but in http.

This is mainly the case  for the images in the news:. The team changes them to https but it can happen that some images are forgotten and then the browsers say that it is not secure.

That's why the concern is often right on the News page.

We will be more vigilant in the future not to forget any image of the game on the ads and put them all in https.

But the problem is that the automatic announcements like the catwalk winners have http images..."

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