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I bought these clothes but can't find them in the closet:pleur: :pleur: :pleur:
i sent ticket but nothing
Moving to: Bugs!
I will send the french GM an email, but I have to let you (and anyone else reading this) know, she hasn't responded to the last email I sent her. Nor has she checked in on us in a very long time. As far as I can tell, we are currently (and again) without any GM support. :nrv:
I don't know what to say except you'll have to have patience for this issue to (hopefully) get fixed. :intr:
i spent my real money here and must be patience??? :aomd_nrv:
Registration Thu, 26 Jul 2012 06:23:03 +0200
8 years account come on!!!
new event no
gm support no
why don't they close the shop?
I honestly got tired of the situation. :aomd_blase:
Last edited by efarahproti (29-03-2020 14:41:42)
Did you check the 'My Creations' tab under My Things? Because that is where those particular items would be.
lady0filia wrote:
Did you check the 'My Creations' tab under My Things? Because that is where those particular items would be.
my girl you are the best thank you so much!!! :aomd_bave:
lady0filia wrote:
Did you check the 'My Creations' tab under My Things? Because that is where those particular items would be.
Ah, right! I forgot that's where the Look Book creations go. Thanks for the solution, lady0filia. :)
Closing thread as the issue has been solved.