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I did the whole lookbook, but I can't find the new room. Ether I didn't get it or I'm missing where it is.
I didn't get the new room either.
It's suposed to be found here:
but it's not showing up to me and it's not on the bank.
I want to do this look book quest, but I think I will wait to see if you guys get the room! without the room where would I put the items?
I did the quest on my Haelina01 doll. No room. What a waste... Dollz full of bugs as usual... Why do we still come for this endless river of disappointment is beyond me....
I didn't get the room either!
:star: We are at leat 2 days behind the french site. We haven't even got the notice about the LOOKBOOK or about the dragon symbol chase. Did we get last weeks VIP gift?
The Mod on the French site already knows about this problem. It seems that the room hasn't been activated on this server, but as soon as it is done then it should be avaliable to the players that finished the LookBook. Today is a bank holiday in France and then there's weekend so it's quite possible we'll have to wait until Monday to get it fixed.
i got the room! finally showed up!!!!
Now the problem is deciding which background room to use!!!!!
Last edited by gingerjane (11-05-2020 18:57:58)
I'm closing this topic since the bug has been fixed.