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Bonus Answers:
1. 2001
2. An Aged Pig
3. Philippe de Pallières & Hervé Marly
4. Eliminate all the villagers and not be exposed
5. Taylor Lautner
6. Lycanthrope
Total cost: 248 $$$ + 150 Fee'z
Cost of 7A ending: 198 $$$
Cost of 7B ending: 198 $$$
1. 8
2. 6 + 7 = 13
3. 12 + 8 = 20
4. 10 + 7 + 6 + 5 = 28
5. 12 + 9 + 7 + 8 = 36
6. 8 + 10 + 7 + 8 + 10 = 43
7A. 10 + 12 + 9 + 6 + 5 + 8 = 50
7B. 10 + 11 + 13 + 16 = 50
Quest Name: Dollzelieux
Store Used: Tales
Two Endings: Yes
Job: No
Room: Yes
Can be obtained by doing either end. Doing both gives extra Night theme.
Talent: No
Step One: The village is waking up ...
Day was breaking over Dollhollow, we thought it would be a day like any other. The village had until now been used to being calm. Yet that morning, the bell tower resounded loudly throughout the valley. The sound of the death knell was mingled with the tears of a family who had just lost a loved one. What had happened? What hungry animal could have committed such an atrocity? Not far from the frightened crowd, a group of villagers gathered. Brave people with special abilities were discussing to learn more about last night's murder
You need:
- one of the following for 8 $$$
Cost of this step: 8 $$$
Cost so far: 8 $$$
Bonus 1:
Q: When has been released the 1st edition of the "Loup-garou de Thiercelieux " , a fantastic atmospheric role-playing game, from which this quest is inspired?
A: 2001
Step Two: Cupid
A young and handsome boy, a little dreamy, spoke. He answered to the sweet name of Cupid. "I think it would take a group of two people, they can keep an eye on each other," But Cupid, and if one of the two was that monster, won't he cause the Another to his demise? "Despite this considerable risk, he manages to convince two villagers to unite ... Two villagers are united in secret, a villager and a blacksmith.
You need:
- one of the following for 6 $$$
- one of the following for 7 $$$
Cost of this step: 13 $$$
Cost so far: 21 $$$
Bonus 2:
Q: The first version of the game which is made up of 24 cards, does not contain one of the following characters:
A: An Aged Pig
Step Three: Guard
Dollhollows guard was still at the entrance to the village, making their daily rounds and watching the passages. The latter had joined the group. A rumor was already circulating among all, the young miller, a little too talkative would be this famous beast. The team, having nothing to say otherwise, decided to accuse him. However, the guard, who until then had remained silent, intervened in the face of the all too hasty decision: "You are accusing the wrong person. It is not him, he was with me the night of the murder." Thus, the miller was cleared.
You need:
- one of the following for 12 $$$
You need:
- one of the following for 8 $$$
Cost of this step: 20 $$$
Cost so far: 41 $$$
Bonus 3:
Q: What are the names of the co-authors of "Loup-garou de Thiercelieux "?
A: Philippe de Pallières & Hervé Marly
Step Four: Seer
Lost and without any Hints, they no longer knew where to turn or even where to look. The clairvoyant was a great help in unlocking the next step in the investigation. Her gift of soul-seeing, though very exhausting for her, cleared two villagers. They did nothing except steal a few apples from the market gardener in the neighboring village.
You need:
- one of the following for 10 $$$
- one of the following for 7 $$$
- one of the following for 6 $$$
- one of the following for 5 $$$
Cost of this step: 28 $$$
Cost so far: 69 $$$
Bonus 4:
Q: The werewolves role in this game is:
A: Eliminate all the villagers and not be exposed
Step Five: Hunter
No longer holding in place and seeing that the monster was still roaming around, the hunter, convinced that the wolf was no longer in the village, decided to go and hunt him down in the forest accompanied by a villager. But the hunter, although agile, got lost and led to his destruction the poor man who had accompanied him.
You need:
- one of the following for 12 $$$
- one of the following for 9 $$$
- one of the following for 7 $$$
- one of the following for 8 $$$
Cost of this step: 36 $$$
Cost so far: 105 $$$
Bonus 5:
Q: Which actor portrayed an onscreen werewolf in the Twilight film series?
A: Taylor Lautner
Step Six: Witch
There were not many people left on the dock in the village, a woman and two men. The witch, who had been busy collecting her ingredients until then, created two potions: one to restore life and the other to kill. In agreement with her investigative companions, she decided to use her death potion on one of the men that everyone suspected.
You need:
- one of the following for 8 $$$
- one of the following for 10 $$$
- one of the following for 7 $$$
- one of the following for 8 $$$
- one of the following for 10 $$$
Cost of this step: 43 $$$
Cost so far: 148 $$$
Bonus 6:
Q: The other legendary creature name of the werewolf is:
A: Lycanthrope
Step Seven A: Villager
The man, a hairless merchant, forced to drink the potion, began to transform into a Werewolf. It swelled, swelled and then burst into a thousand pretty flowers. YES ! They got it right, this strange and disturbing looking man was the ferocious beast. The villager and the blacksmith united, were more than relieved to have escaped this tragic fate. The mayor of the village congratulated the team and the village of Dollzelieux finally found its former peace.
You need:
- one of the following for 10 $$$
- one of the following for 12 $$$
- one of the following for 9 $$$
- one of the following for 6 $$$
- one of the following for 5 $$$
- one of the following for 8 $$$
((OR, if done end B first...))
Cost of this step: 50 $$$
Cost so far: 198 $$$
Step Seven B: Werewolf
The blacksmith drank the potion and disappeared into nothingness. The villager united to him by Cupid saw her strength also leave her ... Oh no ...! What had they just done ... The last night of peace fell on the village. The Werewolf of Dollhollow had transformed once again to finish off our group. Since that day, it is he who reigns in terror over the village ...
You need:
- one of the following for 10 $$$
- one of the following for 11 $$$
- one of the following for 13 $$$
- one of the following for 16 $$$
((OR, if done end A first...))
Cost of this step: 50 $$$
Cost so far: 248 $$$ + 150 Fee'z
Last edited by haelina (29-10-2020 15:12:42)