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Hello dollz
In this summer period, a special offer starts on OhMyDollz.
For 5 days, your Fee’z purchases at the bank will be rewarded with bonus gifts in your inventory!
Today, receive at random one of these 3 beautiful dresses to embellish your dollz with glamour.
How does it work?
Each day, you get an exclusive gift while obtaining at least 100 Fee’z in one time at the bank (Free Fee’z included).
How many gifts?
The event last for 5 days, with a dress in 3 colours each day. So there will be 15 exclusive gifts to obtain.
Every day the gifts are updated at midnight (Paris time)
What happen if I make more purchases in the same day?
Each color version is given randomly. So, you can’t be sure to get all the colours, it’s the fortune that may do it!
Be the most glamorous on OhMyDollz!