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I did the heaven or hell quest today and chose the hell ending, but did not get the room. I put some of the last step items in the black forest to prove I did that ending- so I am assuming this is a bug. It DID have the picture of the hell room in the rewards shown, but no room. My screen is on pay 75 feez for other end-which i don't have feez but I sill should have received the hell room. I hope this is just a bug and the room will show up. Can a mod check this out? Maybe the wording was tricky and I just didn't read it right.
please help thanks
Last edited by aleron (05-11-2021 19:44:59)
It seems to be a bug according to those posting on the French forums. The thread for that can be found here:
The mods are somewhat missing so they probably won't see your post. You could try sending a ticket in, which probably will never be viewed.
Last edited by sierradane (05-11-2021 20:43:47)
I did the same ending and already had the Hell room,but I should've got the Hell's extension.
You both might try to post in the thread that goes to the French forum.
I looked on the French form (l do that a lot and use the translation but do not have an account there) and that thing you posted was only about angels on a mission quest I did the other one angel or demon quest. So…….:sad:
I added a quide here for the Angel or Demon quest: … 06#p343806 from the blog on the French forums. Each ending has a job but no room. This quest was from 2011.
I've tried to find the guide here for that particular quest and as of yet, I can't find it. I am doing it currently on my doll xabrina-dane (my halloween doll). I've chosen the hell choice and this is the last step in the image below. It's not showing that you get a room. I'll keep looking for a guide for this quest though.
I only did the one ending (hell) with xabrina-dane and I must have done both endings at another time since the hell room shows up for that account, with an expansion. I then did it on my doll bearrydane and chose the "hell" ending. I did not get the Hell room. I don't have any dolls with feez left, so it's hard to do both endings.
I did the Angel ending with calliemcdane, and she didn't end up with a room.
The Angel in Mission quest has two endings that result in two different rooms: Heaven or Hell
Last edited by sierradane (06-11-2021 20:27:54)