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Hello dollz
This Christmas Day, let the magic enter your lofts and discover beautiful decorations and outfits for a golden party!
Add up all the available looks and get the new Christmas ballroom, plus an exclusive outfit and items from our illustrator Elsa!
Recreate, assemble and reassemble these beautiful outfits to make them your own and express your style!
But beware, only the most tenacious fashionistas will manage to unlock the most amazing outfits and their bonus
Collect different looks to unlock the following stage!
Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Ultimate level
This look features the new prom piece, plus exclusive outfit and items from our illustrator Elsa!
This look contains the new Christmas ballroom, plus an exclusive outfit and items from our illustrator Elsa!
How to collect these looks ?
You must acquire each look, stage by stage. Collect 3 looks from stage 1 (right of left, you decide) to unlock the second stage. Get the look from stage 2 to unlock the next one ! Beware : if you started with the left outfit, you will unlock the outfits from the same side. The same goes for the look on the right side. To unlock the ultimate look, you will have to complete ALL the looks from this event.
You have until Wednesday, December 29th at 11:59 pm (Paris time) to achieve the ultimate look!
Merry Christmas on OhMyDollz!
Last edited by sierradane (26-12-2021 13:12:56)
A lot of pretty dresses and items! And a new room. Although, I still haven't figured out which tab that new room is in.
mlle-green wrote:
The room :
It appears to be an issue/bug right now:
Whenever they decide to actually add it, it will appear in the Winter tab.
Last edited by sierradane (26-12-2021 20:53:21)
Where is the room supposed to be? I don't even see a space for it!
joyceeileen wrote:
Where is the room supposed to be? I don't even see a space for it!
somewhere in the Winter tab/area. There's room either between the Mountain room and Japanese Plains or between the North Pole room and the Winter Garden room (jardin d hiver) My guess is they will move one of those on the left, over a bit to the left to squeeze the new room in.
Last edited by sierradane (26-12-2021 21:00:51)