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Anyone have any idea when the room from the Look Book might unlock. I've finished it a couple of days ago on this doll and there still isn't a room available to me. I'd kind of like to do it on another, but with no room showing I hate to spend that kind of money.
The room unlocked for me, are you sure your looking in the right tap?
silverbast wrote:
Anyone have any idea when the room from the Look Book might unlock. I've finished it a couple of days ago on this doll and there still isn't a room available to me. I'd kind of like to do it on another, but with no room showing I hate to spend that kind of money.
I looked at your doll and you have that room unlocked, it's in the Winter tab. The room in the Party tab at the upper right hand corner is the room from the cookie event.
Last edited by sierradane (28-12-2021 23:32:41)
It is now. Thank you all.