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As of today's date, these bugs are still unresolved:
Tapestry does not show for these rooms:
- Loft
- Kitchen
- Bedroom 2
- Bedroom 3
- Bathroom 2
Black backgrounds for these rooms:
- Highschool
- Jet
- Train (I do not have this room, so could not test. If it's not black anymore, let me know and I'll take it off the list.)
- Manor
- Haunted Castle
Retro room still does not have the greyscale showing/dolls and items are in colour.
Dolls with animation/features that allow them to change do not work (eg: the girl doll that you could change into a boy, the doll that we could make a copy of ourselves/another player, etc.)
Animation and Sound/FX items do not work.
"Try On" feature in stores is still not working.
Music in rooms not working.
Winter Garden room is missing from drop down menus in Inventory.
Error message when leaving a comment on another doll's page.
If I have missed any, please mention it below and I will edit into the main list.
I guess I can put this here: I still have issues saving in my rooms. One moment I can save, the next I can't. Doesn't seem to matter what room I'm in or what server I'm on. This bug pops up now and then for what seems like various reasons. For example, I'll have a hard time trying to place an object, it might cling to my doll or go behind something I don't want it too. So I work at it and eventually the object is where I want it to be and I continue to decorate. Once done, I naturally save and nothing happens. I'll click on the save button, the test saving button, and in desperation the sewing button - which actually works sometimes and saves my room. Or I'll have moved a bunch of items to a room in order to decorate, and I'll need to move a lot of items out of the 'start corner' to get what I want to use first, then carry on before saving and it doesn't save. Again, I'll click on all the buttons and nothing works.
At times, even logging off the internet and then coming back to the site still doesn't help the issue.
This doesn't happen all the time, but it still happens often enough for me to give up and someone might see one of my dolls half clothed or bald because I can't save the room.
full list of glitched rooms along with links for testing (some of them were already mentioned in OP but had no links, so i'll be adding links for checking):
Retro Room (refference link for OP)
Black Backgounds (full room):
Loft tab:
Villa tab:
Living Room
Town tab:
Fantasy tab:
Haunted Castle
Trip tab:
Winter tab: N/A
Royal tab:
Cinema/Party/Abode tabs: N/A
VIP tab:
VIP room (I can't access/test it nor get the link, because I'm not VIP)
VIP Lodge
Black squares and missing background bits/extensions:
Town tab:
Trip tab:
New Caledonia
Winter tab:
Ice Palace
Royal tab:
Venetian Palace
Other Room Bugs:
Sarah's Home Sarah's not home (a Sarah replica doll that can't be moved to other rooms is absent)
StarRental the doll is missing (not hidden, according to players who have this room)
Darkerdollz missing the upside down (bottom) half and shows odd page layout
OMD Tree (Vertical) crash that requires restarting the browser. (CLICK AT YOUR OWN RISK)
just for record, previously repported rooms that have been fixed (in case somebody who gave up decorating them is wondering):
Jet (trip)
Yacht (trip)
Duplex Top & Duplex Bottom (town)
edit: typo
Last edited by darkjewels (11-01-2022 04:40:01)
The room Valentine on the Party tab is missing from the drop down menu in inventory. (The room that is linked to Valentine in the drop down menu directs you to Valentine 2021 on the Royal tab.)
The rooms that were missing from the dropdown boxes in the inventory are now all available (Office, both Valentines (I don't even have one valentine; cannot imagine two!!! :aomd_bave: ) and the Winter Garden.