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#1 18-03-2022 13:51:11

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009
Posts: 3283

Hey artist people... we need these

I meant that title to be "artistic" people, not "artist" people

Once upon a time, I used to take my Garden Room and redecorate it for whatever season or holiday was coming up.  Do the Winter/Christmas thing then take all that out and do Easter, fall, summer, etc.  Now... with so many empty rooms, I've left my Garden Room as the Winter/Christmas "outside," my Fall Scene is in another room and I'm now working on my Easter egg room.  (I have the other side of Easter in yet another room)

What I am wishing for is an 'outside of the house" object that has options for different times of the year, different holidays, different colors of doors.... here are some examples I've found in MY THINGS:

With this one, have different colors and have the option to have nothing on the steps:

Same thing, different colors and nothing on the steps; no flowers in that flower pot:

Same thing... different colors , bare steps, and have in that planter, different shrubbery/flowers for different seasons

This one, different colors (doors), door closed

Here is what I've come up with... so far... for my Easter egg/bunny room:

Last edited by sierradane (19-03-2022 14:04:52)
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna


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