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#1 17-05-2022 11:22:17

Registered: 2007
Posts: 1208

The new Miss OhMyLoft!

The three winners of this week's OhMyLoft contest are :

Miss OhMyLoft : pepperjenz who wins 150 $$$, the trophy and the "best designer" certificate !

In second position we have : rae-jenz who wins 100 $$$.

And in third position : ona-jenz who wins 50 $$$.

From the 4th to 10th position :
<img src='' width='300px' /><img src='' width='300px' /><img src='' width='300px' /><img src='' width='300px' /><img src='' width='300px' />

Congratulations !

See you in two weeks' time to elect the new Miss OhMyLoft !


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