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#1 08-02-2023 13:17:07

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009
Posts: 3335

[No bug] Ice House Issue

I believe I understand now.  For 149 diva bucks, we get the furniture and an item that is like a porch or side of the house, but not the actual room.

So instead of receiving a small portion of the room... much like the Hotel room, remember that? if you buy the pack for $149, the thing that a lot of us may be mistaking at a "small portion of room" is actually a wallpaper piece:

I'm not quite sure this is a bug.  I've posted the reply from someone at the French forums and this was their reply, which to me is a bit confusing:

diablesa wrote:

Bonjour ^^
Alors le pack à 149$, c'est juste un petit morceau de la pièce

Concernant la pièce, elle ne se trouve que dans les packs à 899 fee'z et à 449 fee'z

Bonne journée

I'm still unsure if it means that we get a small portion of the room for 149 diva bucks, or exactly what that item is that we get besides the furniture in that first pack.

You can find that thread here:

149 Diva Bucks:

899 Feez:

Chambre verrouillée après avoir acheté le pack 149 diva bucks
Locked Room after buying the 149 diva bucks pack:

Last edited by sierradane (08-02-2023 16:57:03)
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#2 31-03-2023 15:38:34

French Community Manager
Registered: 2009
Posts: 29

Re: [No bug] Ice House Issue


As it was explained on the French forum, it's not a bug, the pack at 149 $$$ gives a piece of wall which is an item in the inventory and not a room.



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