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Okay, it's been 3 days since I bought fez for this doll and another. The bank has cleared the purchase but I'm not getting the fez here. I can't finish the quest on either site without it.
Hello :aomd_fan:
You can try contacting the game partner with whom you purchased the Fee'z and tell them the transaction did not go thrgouh, they should pay you back then you can try again. Thgough it might be a bit late to finish the quest now :/
Have a nice day :aomd_bisous:
Yes, it's still not posted. So, no quest for me. I' thought their objective was to earn money so it seems really dumb to not keep track of things like this.
This is the other account that didn't get it's fez. I've put into paypal for a refund. Had it with this nonsense.
A technical problem has impacted some Paypal transactions since March 23rd. This bug was corrected on March 28th and the transactions are working again for everyone correctly since this date.
We are sorry for this problem and our team is currently checking to make sure that all players have received their purchases in the last few days.
Missysil and Silverbast2, normally your transactions have been verified and checked.
If players have missed events due to the delay in getting their Fee'z since March 23, you can contact support or post in this topic here in bugs. Our team will help you get the events you might have missed due to this cause.
We are still sorry about this bug.
I see that you have sent the money to both accounts. I want to tell you though that one of these was refunded. So truly only one should have gone through. I don't want to take what isn't mine.
Hello silverbast2
I will check with the team.
It is possible that the credit arrived before the cancellation information.