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The three winners of the current Miss OhMyDollz contest are :
Miss OhMyDollz : <a href=''>iva-jenz</a> who wins 100 $$$, the wonderful crown and sash with 17 votes !%%%
In second position we have :<a href=''>miley-mimi</a> who wins 60 $$$ with 17 votes.
And in third position: <a href=''>snowbear</a> who wins 30 $$$ with 13 votes.
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Fromthe 4th to 10th position :
<img src='' width='120px' /><br><img src='' width='120px' /><br><img src='' width='120px' /><br><img src='' width='120px' /><br><img src='' width='120px' /><br><img src='' width='120px' /><br><img src='' width='120px' /><br>
Congratulations !
See you in two week to elect the new Miss OhMyDollz !
The three winners of the current Miss OhMyDollz contest are :
Miss OhMyDollz : iva-jenz who wins 100 $$$, the wonderful crown and sash with 17 votes !
In second position we have :miley-mimi who wins 60 $$$ with 17 votes.
And in third position: snowbear who wins 30 $$$ with 13 votes.
Fromthe 4th to 10th position :
Congratulations !
See you in two week to elect the new Miss OhMyDollz !