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Halloween header!
halloween header!
Halloween costume! :ok:
*Question: are we doing whatever option gets the most votes, or whatever we chose? Thanks!
*** Edit: Thank you ^.^ ***
Last edited by mimi078 (13-10-2011 04:39:00)
mimi078 wrote:
Halloween costume! :ok:
*Question: are we doing whatever option gets the most votes, or whatever we chose? Thanks!
were doing whatever option gets the most votes.
Most of you has voted for "haloween header" so i guess we will be doing a haloween header. Do your best because there is only going to be 1 winner of this creation contest. If you don't win don't get upset because i will be making other contests like this one. So GOOD LUCK!!!!
Can the due date be delay for 5 days? Or maybe I could just drop put from this contest. I have exams around the due date , so yeah ~ If it can be delay , I would thank you so much, but if it can't I'll just drop out from here :)
okay. i will push the normal due date for the 5th november, is it okay for you?
*runs in waving file over head* Wait for me! Wait for me! LOL!
*Note: This IS animated, so give it a few seconds to load :) On my computer, it'll usually rotate through the animation slowly once, and then it should start animating at the correct speed.*
WOW! Nice job mimi, hayley and sis00! Great job! I feel that i will have to do a very hard decision...
Sorry for taking so long to post my entry, but here is it:
And thank you very much for extending the due date one more time for me. Big thanks to you, Saffirelle!
Last edited by hydrangea13 (09-11-2011 15:57:01)